How having a blog on your website can benefit your business
8 September 2022

You might consider a business blog a nice thing to have but is it really necessary, worth the time and effort, and does it add any value? The answer is yes!
If you’re looking to increase the visibility and credibility of your company to your customers then it’s worth dedicating the time, and resources or outsourcing the production of regular quality blogs. If you get your blog content strategy right, you’ll start to see the many benefits that a blog can add to your website.
In this blog, we’ll go through some of the key benefits of a blog on your business’s website.
What is a blog?
A business blog (short for weblog) is a page that’s part of a brand’s website and is an important marketing channel to help attract potential customers as part of the business’s content strategy. Publishing regular blog posts targeted at the business’s key audience can help to educate them about its products or services.
Blogs can also be used to build personal brands and raise an individual’s profile in their chosen area. An example of this is a lawyer posting blogs from their LinkedIn accounts on their area of expertise to position themselves as a thought leader.
What are the benefits of a blog on your website?
There are many benefits to having a business blog on your website.
1. Drive traffic to your website
A business blog is another way for your potential customers to find your website and for you to build trust. A study by HubSpot showed that businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors and 56% of people have purchased something from a company after reading a blog post from them.
Publishing valuable blog content that your audience is searching for gives you the opportunity to link to other related pages of your website to increase the potential customer’s time on your site, and gain knowledge of your products or services, to potentially drive more revenue.
2. Build your brand awareness
Content marketing is an increasingly important part of a brand’s marketing strategy and it’s likely that potential customers will expect your website to have a blog with up-to-date content.
Having a blog and publishing regular quality content enables you to give a voice to your brand. It provides a platform to build your online presence and a place for your audience to learn more about your business.
You should plan in your content strategy the types of blog posts that you wish to publish on your blog that will assist with your marketing efforts. These may include:
- Authority in your field – Use your blog to build trust with your audience by establishing your business as an authority in your chosen field and sharing your industry knowledge, opinions and ideas. Your aim should be for your audience to view your business blog as providing helpful information about relevant topics, so they don’t have to seek out the information elsewhere.
- Your brand story – Keep your audience updated on your company’s news and latest announcements and share your thoughts and opinions on the latest industry developments. Try to humanise your brand with employee stories, awards news, milestones, or other content that will resonate with your audience and make your brand feel more personable.
3. Improve your search engine optimisation
Frequently publishing good quality blogs can help your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO). Hubspot reported that websites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages and 97% more inbound links.
To help your website rank on search engines, as well as providing consistent valuable content there are other things that you will need to do in your blogs, including:
- Use 1-2 long-tail keywords and keywords strategically throughout the blog post
- Ensure you optimise the blog for mobile devices
- Optimise the meta description and use user-friendly URL structures
- Add image alt text
- Limit topic tags
- Organise by topic cluster and link to related blog posts
- Publish evergreen content and review and update existing content
- Regularly review metrics
If your blog posts rank higher in the search engines it will enable more people to find them and help you build trust and authority with your audience, which can potentially result in more leads and revenue.
4. Answer your potential customer’s questions
You can use your blog to answer your potential customer’s questions, providing solutions to their problems while educating them about your products or services.
Build trust with your audience by blogging about the things that matter to them and explaining the solutions to their problems. Research frequently asked questions from your potential customers to use as a starting point, and answer those. You should be able to find information about the questions your customers are asking in your company data, there are also online tools such as Google Keyword Planner and Ask The Public, which will provide a wider view.
Let's talk
If you’re looking to start a blog and need help with your blog content strategy or blog content production, contact us today for a no-obligation conversation.
All content in this article was correct at the time of publication.