Now's the time to prepare for Chambers results. Here's what you should do.
11 August 2022
It was announced last week that research for the Chambers and Partners 2023 edition of the UK Solicitors’ Guide was complete, and there had been over 7,900 submissions!
This means you may now know which of your departments and lawyers have been ranked in the Guide. Perhaps you’re now busy creating and uploading their new profiles.
Although you won’t know exactly what Band their ranking is until the Guide is released in October, you can now start preparing your content, ready for when they’re released.
In fact, now’s the perfect time to get prepared for the release of the Guide. Here are my top 5 tips on what you should do now.
1. Prepare your department success stories
Are there any new departments being ranked that weren’t ranked previously?
If so, now’s the time to review their achievements, draft success story articles and relevant social media slides.
Once the Guide is released in October, and you know their rankings, you can simply add them to your content and set them live.
2. Prepare your lawyer success stories
Are there any lawyers being ranked that weren’t ranked previously?
If there are, again, get those articles and social media assets prepared, ready to launch once the Guide is published.
3. Update your lawyers’ website profiles
Getting ranked is a great achievement and you’ll understandably want to shout about it. What’s also great is that it may lead to you getting new clients and forming new partnerships.
It’s likely however, that those potential clients and partners will visit the lawyers’ website profiles to find out more about them. It’s therefore important that their profiles are up to date and are the best they possibly can be. Now’s the perfect time to review them and get that done.
If there were any good cases mentioned in the Chambers application which may have led to the ranking, they may make good career highlights or case studies to include in the profiles. Do remember however that you need your clients’ consent!
4. Update your lawyers’ social media profiles
As with my point above, having such an achievement may lead to potential clients and partners reviewing the lawyers’ profiles and that includes their social media profiles.
Check that they’re up to date with the correct firm, role, areas of specialism and contact details. I also believe its really important that any profile includes a photograph of that person.
5. Review the failures as well as the successes
Are there any departments you’ve not been ranked for?
As well as getting excited about those departments and lawyers that you know are being ranked, now’s the time to start looking at those that are not being ranked.
When the results of Chambers are announced in October, there’s usually just a small amount of time before the submission process starts all over again. This leaves little time to put a strategy in place for the next submissions.
If you already know you’re not being ranked, you don’t need to see the results in October before you can get to work on preparing your strategy.
Review those submissions and compare them against those you know are being ranked; What are the key differences? Can you identify why you weren’t ranked? Can you see what improvements can be made next time? Once you’ve reviewed this, you can start building your strategy now, way in advance of the next submission process.
Why should you prepare for Chambers now?
I always find that once Chambers completes its research, the legal directories process for both Chambers and Legal 500 starts to move very quickly. Before long, we’ll be ready to make submissions once again.
There’s a significant amount of work that needs to take place when the results are announced and when the submissions process starts again. So, getting these things in place now will make a big difference when the time comes.
Let's talk
If you’d like more tips on legal directories, Chambers and Legal 500, follow me on LinkedIn. If you’d like help preparing your legal directory content, simply contact me today for a no obligation conversation.
All content in this article was correct at the time of publication.
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